| NOTE: MOST RESPONSES ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF GREG Superfox: Trust How do we know that you are experienced to help us? I mean have you ever had sex Greg? NOTE TO READER- Greg is not a professional and has no sexual experience so listen to at own risk Greg: You can be assured that I have had sex very many times. _________________________________________________________ Superfox: Stop lieing Greg Greg I meant with a real person. Have you even had a girl(boy)friend yet Greg? Greg: I am a real person so yes i have. Also, I have a girlfriend named t0ny saK and she was great. She was always online when I was(like she never got off.)She Also gave me some great hot pitcures of her self. So there __________________________________________________________ (Nut)sak: Greg PLEASE HELP!!! Dear Greg, I really need some advice. I am having a lot of trouble with the ladies. I try and try, but no one ever says that they will go out with me. I am starting to think that it is not worth the pain, trying to get a person I can love. I even made a web site about my problems. It has poetry that shows my pain and people say that they are impressed but dont like it enough to like me. Last forever I want this moment to last forever. What I feel now is all I ever want to feel. The warmth of your body so close to mine, and I am looking straight into your eyes, seeing that we were meant to be. For once I am happy. Then it is all taken away when I remember you dont even want to know me. Once again, I feel nothing but pain as I close the picture of a pornstar with your head on it and shut down my only friend my computer. I go to bed not even cleaning up my mess and cry to sleep. I cant understand how people cant be taken in by this. Greg please give me some advice. Greg: Well, I want you to know that a lot of people have problems with the ladies. I think that your case is different though. No one ca really flirt that much with out any one ever saying yes. I have come to the conclusion that you are flirting so much because you are gay, and you fell bad about hiding the truth. Or maybe you dont ever leave your computer. ____________________________________________________________ Email us at Grantm0ney@hotmail.com(zero not O in money) for the columns Greg was to embarrassed to let us post.
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